I dithered endlessly ... to go or not to go? Finally, on the day of the deadline, I sent in our reservations. We would go, the entire family, to my 25th college reunion at Oberlin.
The 11-hour drive was as uneventful as I could have wished. Little Sue is a very good traveller, Brendan is willing to drive so I can knit, the weather cooperated, and although spending the entire day in the car is not my idea of a great time, it's a lot cheaper than flying.
Oberlin put the 25th reunion class in one of its nicest dorms, Talcott.
Then they put the overflow (that included us) in another of its nicest dorms, right next door to Talcott, Baldwin.
There were organized children's activities, so Sue was entertained, while I wallowed in nostalgia as I dragged Brendan all around town and around campus. When not being dragged around, Brendan found some time to recover from the long car trip:
I hung out lots with Nancy and John. The class dinner was noisy, long, and still lots of fun.
Nancy and I met during freshman orientation, and although we don't get to see nearly as much of each other as we'd like, our friendship is still going strong.
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