Sunday, June 20, 2010

Montreal Vacation

Last week we took most of the week to visit Montreal with Kim, Larry, and Natalie. It was great to get away for a real chunk of time. Montreal was fun to explore, and we had a wonderful vacation.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sue's Birthday 2010

I'm late posting about Sue's birthday this year. Since her birthday fell on the day before Memorial Day this year, we decided to have her party the following weekend. This meant that the actual day was a pretty quiet birthday day, although there were presents and birthday cake.

Grandma Gail and Grandpa Jim bought Sue matching outfits for her and her American Girl doll Emmy. They were a big hit:

Sue and Emmy

The weekend after Memorial Day we had a girls' party for Sue -- eight girls on her eighth birthday. We did finger nail painting, games, a scavenger hunt, pizza and cake. As Sue said, "Eight is great!"

Here are the girls racing to see who can make a mummy the quickest.

Making Mummies