Sunday, April 29, 2007


On Tuesday, April 24, little Sue was slated to have her first 'organized' soccer experience. We wanted her to have a little exposure to soccer so she wouldn't be completely lost; she also missed the first 'season' because it clashed with ballet lessons.

Thank God, the dad of a favored schoolmate is the coach and had little Sue put on a team which has two of her friends on it.

So we dragged her to the park the week before to try out her new ball


On the Saturday before, we took her to the park in full regalia. She liked keepin the ball away from us, but was not much interested in her dad's expert instruction on passing or shooting. 

She loves her soccer gear, though: the cleats were very good in the woodchips of the playground, the synthetic athletic shorts went very fast on the slide and the shinguards really helped when climbing around the playscape.

When we arrived, coach Brunner took them through a little warm-up... 

...and thereafter a few shots on goal and then a free-form ball of kids chasing a ball around the field, with a slightly changing cast of characters as free substitution reigned supreme. (Little Sue is number three in the yellow shirt)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Towbin After Party

Bob Towbin generously hosted an after party to which the revels repaired after the gala opening of the Met's Greek & Roman gallery was over.

Caroline and August,
mother / daughter
party team,
take a


Caroline snapped this pic of Edward, Brendan and Vanessa as Brendan got ready to bolt for the train.


Kathy, Vanessa, Ed and George confer and confab.



007's suaver older brother harkens unto Sean & Steve



JM fascinates as always
(John: I hear you will be lonely if you move to Montana)


Joe & Uncle Michael find the food



JM & Andree palaver about being parents

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

High Waters

It seems that everyone's daffodils are out but ours. It think these will be out in another 4-5 days.

The big nor'easter ended up not being that big around here. We didn't lose power. We did have some awesomely high tides though ...
High Tide

High Tide

High Tide
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Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Morning

Look What The Easter Bunny Brought

Little Sue was very happy with the Easter Bunny's bounty. At first she was upset because when she woke up there was no basket on the floor of her room. Once the basket sitting outside her door was pointed out, she was all smiles and happily went through everything. Of course, she wanted candy before breakfast. This being Easter morning, she was allowed a treat. It's going to be a long and sugary day.