This year Grandpa Jim and Grandma Gail came to visit the weekend before Halloween. The Peabody Museum was having their Halloween special, and since the weather was not great, we decided to have pizza in New Haven (always
the best), followed by a visit to the Peabody.
There were bean-bag tosses, make-a-black-cat-witches-hat, win-a-spider game, and the spooky witches corner at the Peabody. But our favorite part was the "bird lady", who comes every year and brings her rescued owls and hawks.
We spent Halloween evening with the Dattilos, trick-or-treating around their neighorhood after a delightful spaghetti-and-meatballs dinner. It was a late night, but totally worth staying up for!
Natalie was Hanna Montana, and Sue was a black cat.

A sparkly black cat.

The candy haul around Natalie's was much bigger than Sue usually gets around Johnson's Point.